Friday, January 10, 2014

Sidekick Showcase [58] - She's So Vain

Sidekick Showcase, previously known as Sidekick Saturday, is a weekly bookish meme, hosted here by Jaclyn at JC's Book Haven. There are many secondary characters that are as great as the primaries. In some cases, the sidekicks actually steal the show and you like them better than the heroine or hero. Maybe they didn't have enough page time for how great they were. Anyone can play along! I will post my Sidekicks on Saturday, then whichever day during the week that you would like to post yours, you can put your link in on my page. Just do the following:

• Choose a sidekick *or someone other than the hero or heroine* that you would like to put in the spotlight that fits in the week's topic
• Share a picture (if you can) and information about the character
• Give the title and author of a book the character can be found in
• Please don't include too many spoilers when describing why the character is such a great sidekick
• The day of your post, put your link in below and grab the code for your post so you can see the others that post their's throughout the week as well

For the month of January, we should choose characters that we love, but have that one thing that they should definitely set a New Years Resolution for...that one flaw that they need to work on that maybe is even resolved in the series as the character grows. Sidekicks in need of Resolutions...

If you haven't stopped by my Blogaversary Giveaway, Please Do!

My choice is Aphrodite LaFont
House of Night Series by P.C. Cast & Kristen Cast

Aphrodite LaFont picture created by Jaclyn Canada
Aphrodite is so vain that she chose that as her name. Yes, students at the House of Night get to select their new names for their new lives when they enter the school specially built for fledgling vampires. When readers first meet her, she's almost unbearable. A really easy character to dislike since she's egocentric, hateful, and possesses all the qualities of the Alpha Mean-Girl. I haven't read all the books in the series so I'm not up to date, but she quickly became the character that I actually like the most. How do authors do that? I'm not entirely sure. She has excellent sarcastic quips, sees visions of future disasters, and a whole lot more that would just be spoilerly. She will always know she's the most beautiful person in the room though even if the quickest way to cause a mini-meltdown is by suggesting she is having a bad hair day.


“Because you are the superhero fledgling. I’m just your more attractive sidekick. Oh, and the herd of nerds are your dorky minions.”

“Nerd herd, focus. You're here to help the fledglings. Dour One and Dour Two aren't important," said Aphrodite.
"Dr. Seuss reference. I like it," Stark said, giving me a check-me-out-I've-always-read-books hottie grin.
Aphrodite frowned at him.
"I said focus, not flirt.”

"Aphrodite! I just said you look fine."
"Yeah, well, fine is fine for most people. For me it's terrible.”

“People suck. They do stupid things and they're not nice. The end.”

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