Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Giveaway

So my Blogaversary has come and gone during the holidays and I didn't celebrate. Now is as good a time as any to do the giveaway and celebration of a fantastic and fun-filled year of blogging. I've had such a wonderful time getting to you know all. I would never have guessed how incredibly personable authors are with their readers or how accepting the blogger world is of new people just wanting to chat about the books that they love.


For my 1 year Blogaversary and the start of a new year, I thought I would do things a little differently. I hear bloggers mention that they'd love a Harry Potter wand, the Maurader's Map, etc and you guys all know how much I love Harry Potter. So I'd like the winner of this giveaway to choose either:

1) a wand (the character's of your choice)


2) the Maurader's Map


3) book of your choice

If you are International, you will need to choose the book of your choice and I'll ship through the Book Depository.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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