Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blog Tour Guest Post: Rahima Warren

Guest Post by Rahima Warren author of Dark Innocence: Book One of the Star-Seer's Prophecy

I don’t really know how they do it. Who? Those organized souls who write books by using outlines and plans, plotting and character sketches, or even computerized writing programs. I confess I’m not one of them. Heck, I didn’t even plan to be a fantasy writer. I always wondered how these odd creatures called writers could write such wonderful stories. Never thought I’d be one of them.

Nope. There I was, back before the turn of the century, minding my own business, seeing my psychotherapy clients, and exploring new ways to help them by working with dreams, symbols, and free creative expression. But life is full of zigs and zags! Little did I know that I was waking up my own creativity, too.

One day, I wrote a little short story in my journal. That story was like the proverbial crack in the dam. A torrent of passionate, creative energy shattered the whole darn dam and swept me off to my laptop! Next thing I knew, I was neglecting the laundry and my poor husband, and was sneaking off to continue writing the story every chance I got. It was the only way I could find out what happened next. And it was FUN!

I had no idea of where the story was going. I had no plot or plan. It was a right brain/intuitive process for the entire first draft of what turned out to be a trilogy (The Star-Seer’s Prophecy). That’s still how I work on editing Difficult Blessings, Book Two of the trilogy.

How do I go about this kind of writing? To get started writing, I grab a cup of Earl Gray tea – hot. (Sorry, geek girl here couldn’t resist – but you know resistance is futile, don’t you?). Next, I light a candle to the Goddess of Creativity, who sits on my altar. Then I take a few slow, deep breaths, and let myself sink down into my inner world of fantasy and imagination.

I allow the main character – his name is Kyr, by the way – to take up residence in my imagination, and to be in charge of the story. In my work as an expressive arts therapist, I learned to trust the free, creative expression of the unconscious, no matter how dark or ugly, and to ignore the inner judge/critic. So I just sort of “listen” to Kyr, feel how he is feeling at this point in the story, and write whatever I “see.” Pretty much an intuitive approach.

Well, I admit that in the editing process, I do sometimes use my left/logical brain to make sure things make sense. Gosh, for the first time ever, I recently went through Book Two and made an outline, of all things! And I confess it’s harder to get myself to sit down and edit than it was to write the first draft, when I had that incredible creative flow going. However, the entire story lives in my imagination, and I can re-enter that world whenever I make time to sit down and edit. And it’s still fun!

What is your approach to writing? Logical/Left Brain? Intuitive/Right Brain? How do you get yourself ready to write?

ABOUT Dark Innocence: Book One of the Star-Seer's Prophecy by Rahima Warren

The “twin-souled dark innocent,” Kyr, is a youth born and raised to blindly carry out the Soul-Drinker’s brutal commands. At first, Kyr’s one desire is death, the only escape from the Soul-Drinker’s hellish rule. Just when he is about to get his wish, the secret Circle rescues him. Now he has to choose between the familiar easy path of despair and death, or the hard path of healing, living, and a greater destiny, about which he knows nothing. How can a slave who has known only evil, pain and obedience choose to become a man of courage and compassion, and fulfill the Star Seer's Prophecy?

A Grand Prize Giveaway of a Custom Jumbo Tote Bag with your choice of fan art, chosen from here: http://www.starseersprophecy.com/fan-art/, plus other goodies, including a signed copy of Dark Innocence for one lucky winner, shipped to anywhere in the world!

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Author Rahima Warren

Rahima Warren is the author of Dark Innocence: Book One of the Star-Seer's Prophecy, a deep, rich novel of the healing journey. With Master's degrees in Clinical and Transpersonal Psychology, she was in private practice as a licensed psychotherapist for over 20 years. In 2006, Rahima retired to focus on her expressive painting, creative writing, and spiritual studies.

In her work with clients recovering from abuse, she was awed by the human capacity to heal, and to reach new levels of forgiveness, wholeness and happiness. She also learned to trust the psyche's own process. This enabled her to allow a dark and mysterious story to flood forth unhindered: Dark Innocence: Book One of the Star-Seer's Prophecy.

Rahima is a third-generation native of California and resides with her husband in Northern California, where she periodically chases squirrels off the wild bird feeders, and deer away from her roses. Her life-long love of fantasy is her parents' fault: they left sci-fi & fantasy magazines with fascinating cover art lying around the house.

Find the Author: Goodreads | FacebookWebsite | Twitter | Read an Excerpt | Pinterest

I'd like to thank Rahima for taking the time out to give us this great post!

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