Sunday, April 14, 2013

Guest Post - My Writing Path by Robyn Jones Part 2

I'd like to thank Robyn for taking the time to write up this guest post. I hope you enjoy. This is Part 2 of the series. You can find Part 1 here.

My Writing Path (part 2)

I made a teensy mistake regarding my creative process. I wrote book after book without stopping to edit, or stopping to learn howto edit. You hear all over the place, “Authors wear many hats.” I ignored that. The Touched Girl series blazed by until book four, which I wrote into the ground. Granted, I was maxed out on stress because my one year old just had his kidney taken out and he recovered much quicker than the rest of us. I decided after 200,000 words to stop.

Without taking taking a breath, I dreamed up Maggie. I had a couple starts and stops with her. I knew her name, Maggie Lane. I knew she'd be rude and unlikeable to most people in her life, and I knew she'd be tough. Then one day a utility truck sat in front of my neighbor's house. I growled. I really did. Last time a utility truck was in our cul de sac it was in my driveway. The guy had his clipboard and attitude problem and he was about to cut my power all because they mailed my bill to the wrong address as well as the late notice. I paid my bill on the wrong address to top off the perfect storm. It all seemed fixable, so I told him, “You can't turn off my power in the middle of winter because of a clerical error.” He said, “I can do anything I want.” And Maggie's first book had her opening scene.

In college, my writing teacher told our class, “Write what you know.” I knew so well that feeling of someone wielding power over you. I knew that feeling of pure arrogance being shoved in your face. And I knew the tenacity of a girl who was not going to let that guy stay employed if he tried to take one more step on her property. As you can guess, the man did not cut off my power, but to this day, I growl at the power trucks.

A story can start that simple. Editing it is a whole different beast. At my trusty library, I found “Self-EditingFor Fiction Writers,” by Renni Browne and Dave King. I fell in love with the first read through, so much so I raced around town to find a used copy to own. I read it again, this time completing all the exercises. Man, did I feel armed and awesome. The book provides definitive do's and dont's, which sounds perfect...until you reward yourself with pleasure reading. Grrh! A little knowledge in eager hands can ruin books. I couldn't find a rhythm because I kept stopping and scolding the author, then myself, then the manual.

What to do? You can't be a writer and hate reading. I remembered a different professor in college, my wonderful Asian Philosophy teacher who liked to get creative with his interpretations of Zen Buddhism. I'm not sure if “unlearning” is an actual tenet of Zen, but I tapped into the art of unlearning. Now I strive to appreciate the voice behind the words in both my work and others. 


About Robyn Jones:

I'm the mom of two hardcore boys. My oldest trained me to be matter-of-fact, no frills. My youngest wants the whole singsongy sweet package. Thank goodness for reading and writing because they are my sanity makers. I know life is all about the journey, that's why I like my fiction to be all about the destination. I want to be taken somewhere not here when I read, same goes with the stories I create. Thrills, chills, tears, and laughter, but there has to be something to hold on to at the end.

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This week is the tour for Robyn Jones' Soul Bender (Touched Girl Series #2) that I am hosting. Please check out all the stops on this tour. This is the schedule:

There is a tour-wide giveaway of a $50 Amazon gift card and 3 ebook copies of your choice of Soul Walker or Soul Bender available for winners. 


April 15th

Bookworm Brandee - Review, Top 10
PRUFreads - Review

April 16th

April 17th

Rainbows and Books - Character Interview, Excerpt

April 18th

Bookshelf - Review

April 19th

WeaklingNo14's Wondrous Reviews - Review, Character Interview, Excerpt
Aussie Bookworm - Review

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