Friday, October 10, 2014

JC's Bulletin of the Week [4]

Welcome to my weekly Bulletin. This is a place where you will find what's going on at JC's Book Haven lately, what I've found around the blogger world, Book News, and any books that are releasing in the next week.

Crazy busy around here lately. We are working on Halloween costume details. Zane is going as Loki this year and I'm going to be Black Widow.

Zane is doing a science fair experiment on How to Keep Cut Flowers Fresh Longer so we gathered all the materials and he just got it started. Hopefully we are going to a Fall Festival this weekend to check out a bunch of pumpkins, hay ride, and play some games. What are you all up to?

The week on the blog:

Sunday Cover Scramble
I did a Re-Read Review for Dreamfever (Fever #4) by Karen Marie Moning
I posted a Cover Reveal for Gears of Brass: A Steampunk Anotholoy
Matt did a review of Knight of Light (Watchers #1) by Deirdra Eden
Harry Potter Moment of the Week this week was - Quibbler or Daily Prophet?
Melody did a Review of Platomic by LaRon Cruz along with an interview

My Shelf Confessions tells us why It Sucks When Bloggers Delete Posts

Cait from Notebook Sisters posted a hilarious telling of 10 Things I Will Do To Improve the World (When I've Dominated It)

The Literary Oracle does a post about Why We Love the Anti-hero

Gallery Book signed Kim Harrison for a new series. Find out more about the trilogy slated for Fall 2015.



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