Friday, December 27, 2013

Sidekick Showcase [56] - Giveth and Taketh Away

Sidekick Showcase, previously known as Sidekick Saturday, is a weekly bookish meme, hosted here by Jaclyn at JC's Book Haven. There are many secondary characters that are as great as the primaries. In some cases, the sidekicks actually steal the show and you like them better than the heroine or hero. Maybe they didn't have enough page time for how great they were. Anyone can play along! I will post my Sidekicks on Saturday, then whichever day during the week that you would like to post yours, you can put your link in on my page. Just do the following:

• Choose a sidekick *or someone other than the hero or heroine* that you would like to put in the spotlight that fits in the week's topic
• Share a picture (if you can) and information about the character
• Give the title and author of a book the character can be found in
• Please don't include too many spoilers when describing why the character is such a great sidekick
• The day of your post, put your link in below and grab the code for your post so you can see the others that post their's throughout the week as well

January 4th - Party-Animal

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! I had such a great one. I am still trying to catch up on emails and everything though.

My choice is Professor Minerva McGonagall
Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

Professor Minerva McGonagall picture created by Jaclyn Canada

I couldn't do a Christmas themed month without including Harry Potter. Every time Christmas rolls around, I get nostalgic for the HP movies. I'm guessing it's because of the score to the films, or the fact that each one has a Christmas scene in it filled with floating candles and magic. I chose Professor McGonagall because I think about gifts when I think about her. She gave Harry his first racing broom and a spot on the Quidditch team. I love this part of the story because it shows her love for the game and also takes away from the imposing, strict teacher persona she has. Later in the series though, Harry receives another racing broom and she immediately takes it away from him. There's someone after Harry so she's worried that since it was sent anonymously that the broom could be spelled to hurt him. Harry doesn't approve naturally of losing the best broom on the market to have it checked out for spells. McGonagall is loyal, smart, powerful, and she also turns into a cat. What's not to love?


“Well, usually when a person shakes their head,” said McGonagall coldly, “they mean ‘no.’ So unless Miss Edgecombe is using a form of sign language as yet unknown to humans...”

“Bad news, Harry. I've just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She – er, got a bit shirty with me. Told me I'd got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about staying alive. Just because I told her I didn't care if it threw you off, as long as you caught the Snitch first.”

“Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking right past Peeves who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth 'It unscrews the other way.”

“He will not be single-handed!” said Professor McGonagall loudly, plunging her hand inside her robes.
“Oh yes he will, Minerva!” said Dumbledore sharply. “Hogwarts needs you!”

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