Saturday, July 20, 2013

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [5] - Catching Up 2 Week's Worth

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts.The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/ films/ J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! She is picking a topic within HP for us to focus on each week and then if anyone wants to take part feel free! All she asks is to link back to her blog :). There is now a full list of the topics to come here.

I'm catching up for 2 week's worth so there are two questions I'm answering. The first is for what is my favorite odd thing in the Harry Potter Universe and the other is a free Harry Potter topic of my choosing.

Thestral Picture Created by Jaclyn Canada

My favorite odd thing in the Harry Potter Universe besides a person, is the thestral.

They aren't necessarily my favorite creature overall, but as far as being odd, and such a work of Rowling's creativity, I LOVE them! I've never read about a creature like them before. Harry and crew ride to the school on horseless carriages and then one day, Harry suddenly sees these scary looking horses pulling them instead. No one else can see them so he believes he has gone a bit crazy, and really doesn't feel much better when he finds out that Luna is one of the only people that can see them as well. She believes in all manner of wild animals that most of the crew believe don't exist so he doesn't have much hope that what he's seeing are really there. However, the thestrals are only seen by a select few that have seen death in their past, making them scarier and misunderstood. I really enjoyed how much they kept appearing as transportation for the characters due to their stealth and ability to find places so well.

My Free Topic is PotterMore:

 Zane and  I are on PotterMore in the Huffepuff house. I'll say that we both thought we would get in the Ravenclaw house more, but after some thought, we realized that being considered loyal and true really does fit our characters so we would take it. I enjoy reading through the books and collecting items. I think doing the potions are pretty fun as well. Zane likes to do the spells more. Are you a part of the Pottermore World? What house are you in? If you would like to friend me, my user name is DragonThorn23958.

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