Thursday, January 22, 2015

Review: A Twist of Fae (Surfaeillance #1) by Rebekah Shafer

Published: October 21st 2014 by Lantern Leaf Press
Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Magic
Format: ebook
Source: provided for honest review
Goodreads Summary

“My crystal was vibrating harder than ever now. More fae were moving in. I glanced over my shoulder at the dark gardens. This can’t be good. The crystal was designed to register the presence of faery matter, besides serving as identification and other mundane uses, but after the years I’d spent wearing one around my neck, I was becoming more and more convinced it picked up on danger, too.”

In special agent Burgundy Graves’ opinion, desk work is for sissies. So what if Surfaeillance Agency exists to regulate faery activity on Earth? Tracking the monsters is a form of regulating. Give her a gun, a dangerous threat to hunt down, no questions asked, and she’s in.

But when Surfaeillance puts her in a team of wet-behind-the-ears investigators and tasks them with trailing a clueless millionaire, Burgundy begins to seriously consider pulling out—until the millionaire is murdered on her watch.

With the agency at risk, and shape-shifting ogres on the loose, Burgundy races to unmask her enemies before she becomes the next victim in this deadly, faery-tainted plot.

Buy A Twist of Fae by Rebekah Shafer Today at Amazon

"It's something other than flattering to be forgotten by so many fae, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they do it intentionally. Rather like forgetting that you have an uncle in the mafia. I don't see what their problem is. After all, the Earth-Faery relationship was their idea in the first place."

The Good

Special agent Burgundy Graves is one of my favorite types of heroes. She hates being out of the action and has an attitude that keep you entertained throughout the book. She also prefers to work alone as others just hold her back in her mind. She does end up with a couple of odd partners but odd is the only partner she would be able to work with efficiently. Plus, A Twist of Fae has plenty of supernaturals to keep her busy.

The Bad

I wish the book had been a tad longer. I felt like I got through it way too fast. I also would have liked more time in Fairyland. The little bit of time spent there in the book was more of a teaser than anything else.

The Romance

Burgundy didn't really have any time for romance in this book, but to be honest I was ok with that. Maybe in the next book.


A Twist of Fae was a fun read even if it did seem to be over before I was ready. The good news is there will be a second book and I'm looking forward to what trouble finds her next. And it does seem like she will spend a lot more time in fairyland with the next installment.


"You'll feel better when the adrenalin wears off," I said, glancing around at the few stunted trees. They looked like shadows in the dark. "If we get out of here, I'll buy you some ice cream." If there was one thing pixies had a weakness for, it was frozen dairy products.

Bentley has been described as many things during his employment, but the simplest way to imagine him is to pretend an anteater and a bat got married, and their child was turned into a dwarf by an irritable wizard. He stood there on his scrawny little legs, no taller than my knee, bristly brown arms folded, batwings crossed -- even his long nose looked like it had a kink in it.

A tall, dark, and handsome shadow loomed up beside me. "All quiet so far? Stewart Landis asked, leaning an elbow against the bar behind me.
Coworkers. I waved a hand at the crowded press of humanity. "Sickeningly so. I haven't been this keyed up since Fairy Invasion of '98, when a single fairy burst into the office and demanded a ransom of two donuts." I glanced at him to make sure the sarcasm wasn't being lost. "And I do believe I'm out of ginger ale. Again. Where were you?"

Buy A Twist of Fae by Rebekah Shafer Today at Amazon

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [50]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts.The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/ films/ J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! She is picking a topic within HP for us to focus on each week and then if anyone wants to take part feel free! All she asks is to link back to her blog :). There is now a full list of the topics to come here.

  Best Spot to Chill at Hogwarts

While I feel like I would be similar to Hermione in always running to the library, it doesn't really seem like a cozy place with Madam Pince shooting glances and worrying over the status of her books. As much as I love to read, I also enjoy spending time with those nearest and dearest to me. I feel like the Quidditch pitch would be nice for when you want to let loose, and let's face it if I was allowed to fly, I would be doing it often. Flying is not really 'chilling' though, so I would pick the Gryffindor Common Room for those nice, relaxing hang out sessions.

It's described as being circular with a bunch of squashy chairs to relax in along with a huge window to look out over the grounds. Plus, who could forget the large fireplace that Sirius used to contact Harry? It just has all the makings of cozy. I would absolutely love chilling there with the besties.

What would be your favorite spot to chill at Hogwarts?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Review: Shattered (Logan Book 1) by Valerie Davisson

Shattered by Valerie Davisson
Publisher: March 3, 2014, Hauser Publishing
Genre: Horror
Format: ebook
Source: Gifted by author for honest review
Goodreads Summary:

Meet Logan McKenna … fiercely loyal, and impossibly inquisitive.

In SHATTERED, the first book in the original mystery series and stunning fiction debut with which Valerie Davisson lets us crave for more, Logan McKenna loses her husband, her illusions, the company they built together, her music, and now, probably her job. But that won’t stop her from digging into a murder investigation that keeps Southern California’s tight-knit artist community on its toes and law enforcement cluelessly guessing.
At loose ends, and running out of money after buying a fixer upper on the coast, she decides to help out her best friend from high school, Thomas, a Native American artist, and his wife Lisa at their booth at the Otter Arts Festival, in the idyllic coastal town of Jasper, where she and her police-officer brother Rick grew up. When one of the talented, young artists is found gruesomely murdered at the festival, Logan is faced with the reality that her best friend not only lied to her, but may be guilty of murder. It’s up to her to find out what really happened that night, before the murderer kills again.

If you enjoy reading Nevada Barr’s Anna Pigeon, James Patterson's Murder Club, J. A. Jance’s Joanna Brady or more general: mystery novel with a strong female character, you will quickly fall in love with Valerie Davisson’s Logan McKenna - guaranteed!

Shattered is the story of Logan McKenna. After a tragic car accident that killed her husband and turned her life upside down, she is trying to restart her life. Her new life has several bumps in the road. Once she thinks things are starting to come together, one of her best friends is accused of murder. Everything, all evidence, points to him. She is on a mission to clear her friend's name and find real justice for the victim.

River Otter Festivals Who Knew They Were Fun

This is the debut book of the Logan McKenna story.   I must say overall, I really enjoyed it.  It could be a very promising series.   It is full of fun, interesting, different, and entertaining characters.  The supportive cast in this book is dynamic.  The book did have a slower pace; however, it was a good, interesting slow.   I love a good murder mystery.  I didn't guess the murderer in Shattered which is always refreshing.   Out of all the characters though, I think Iona (who was a fairly minor character) was my favorite.   I like the spitfire, no-nonsense attitude.  Tave’a the cafĂ© owner is a pretty amazing mysterious character to me also, and she made me wish I had a cinnamon roll.  I would work out and read about her delicious baked treats.  My tummy would tell me I worked out...let’s eat sweets!!!  I would love to see more of them and see their characters expanded in future books.

That Moment When the Thrill is Gone  

When I started reading the book, I was really excited.  It started with lots of promise and I was so engrossed in what was going to unfold.  However, it fell kind of flat.   The editing ruined the flow of things.   I liked Logan, but I do hope that her character grows stronger in the following books.  In Shattered, I am not sure if she was a strong enough lead.  Being a first book in a series though, that may not be a fair judgment since this may be on purpose to show her beginnings into a stronger character.   However, in many scenes and chapters I was more captivated by the supporting characters.   The storyline was solid but it had a rushed feel and it felt like some of it was just blown through.   I had a hard time caring about a lot of it.   Some of that could have been the editing though.

All’s Well That Ends Well

All in all, it’s a decent read and could turn out to be a very interesting series.   The killer is not easy to spot, and Logan stays hot on the trail of the murderer.  There is good and bad in the book, but as the first book it has a lot of potential to be a very good series.   I would love to see more depth and growth in all the characters.  Shattered was easy to read and did have you wondering how it was going to unfold.   This book made me realize anyone can be crazy :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sunday Cover Scramble [103]

Let's have some fun! I am going to post covers on here every Sunday that are scrambled up graphically, making it hard to tell what cover it is. I would like your guesses on what cover you think I've posted. I won't answer you until I'm posting the next one to let you know if you are right, allowing others to guess as well. Some will be hard, and others may be easy. Let me know in the comments if you'd like some more hints and I'll offer some more if no one guesses it correctly.

I am pulling covers off the Most Popular Page on Goodreads.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [49]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts.The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/ films/ J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! She is picking a topic within HP for us to focus on each week and then if anyone wants to take part feel free! All she asks is to link back to her blog :). There is now a full list of the topics to come here.

 Scariest Moment in the Series

The scariest moment for me would be when Harry was in the cave with Dumbledore. You could tell the whole time going out there that Dumbledore was scared and whatever scared him, scares me.

The whole build-up to the moment of Dumbledore suffering from the Drink of Despair was chilling, but when Harry puts that Goblet in the lake and the Inferius rise to action, things got intense. Here he was, terrified that Dumbledore was dying, already broken down, when these re-animated dead bodies start rising out of the lake. They very nearly drag Harry down, drowning him. Thankfully, Dumbledore got a surge of energy enough to catch the whole lot of them on fire, or they both would've been goners.

What was the scariest moment in the series in your opinion?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cover Reveal: Desolate Mantle (Street Games #2) by L.K. Hill

In the most dangerous city in the country, one controlled by the sadistic Sons of Ares gang, Kyra Roberts recently crossed paths with detective Gabe Nichols. She dismissed any liaison with him as impossible, but telling him the truth may prove inevitable...

Walking the Slip Mire nightly, dressed in her disguise and trying to infiltrate a homicidal gang, Kyra sees plenty of things she can’t explain. When she begins to suspect a serial killer might be at work, she decides to approach Gabe again.

Gabe has plenty to keep him busy: a bizarre missing persons case, a new development in his brother’s cold case, a new neighbor, and the grisly murders that are a nightly ritual in the Slip Mire. When Kyra shows up unexpectedly, he jumps at the chance keep her around, but it’s harder than he bargained for. She’s not an average source any more than she’s an average Mireling.

Their partnership crumbles, but when things become even darker than usual in the Slip Mire, they’ll need one another get survive a hellish situation. If they can’t work together to shoulder their burdens, they’ll find themselves utterly alone. In Abstreuse, it’s not a matter of not coming out of the darkness, but of being absorbed by the darkness itself…

Cover courtesy of the the great Kelean Patrick Burke

(Check out book 1, Dark Remnants HERE)

Author Liesel Hill

L.K. Hill is a novelist who writes across three genres. Her crime and historical fiction are written under her initials, L.K., while her scifi/fantasy and dystopian are written under her full name, Liesel K. Hill. She lives in northern Utah and comes from a large, tight-knit family. She plans to keep writing until they nail her coffin shut. Or the Second Coming happens. You know, whichever happens first. ;D

Monday, January 12, 2015

ARC Review: Strange Magic (The Magic Series #1) by James A. Hunter

Published: January 16th 2015
Genre: paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Format: ebook
Source: provided for honest review 
Goodreads Summary

Yancy Lazarus is having a bad day: there’s a bullet lodged in his butt cheek, his face looks like the site of a demolition derby, and he’s been saran-wrapped to a banquet table. He never should have answered the phone. Stupid bleeding heart—helping others in his circles is a good way to get dead.

Just ask the gang members ripped to pieces by some kind of demonic nightmare in LA. As a favor to a friend, Yancy agrees to take a little looksee into the massacre and boom, he’s stuck in a turf war between two rival gangs, which both think he’s pinch-hitting for the other side. Oh, and there’s also a secretive ass-hat with some mean ol’ magical chops and a small army of hyena-faced, body- snatching baddies. It might be time to seriously reconsider some of his life choices.

Yancy is a bluesman, a rambler, a gambler, but not much more. Sure, he can do a little magic—maybe even more than just a little magic—but he knows enough to keep his head down and stay clear of freaky-deaky hoodoo like this business in LA. Somehow though, he’s been set up to take a real bad fall—the kind of very permanent fall that leaves a guy with a toe tag. Unless, of course, he can find out who is responsible for the gangland murders, make peace in the midst of the gang feud, and take out said magical ass-hat before he hexes Yancy into an early retirement. Easy right? Stupid. Bleeding. Heart.

Buy Strange Magic by James A Hunter Today at Amazon

I looked around at the crowded bar, Surveying the rough splattering of men and women who would be injured, maybe killed, if I let something go down in here. That wasn't something I wanted. I'm not a perfect human -- I drink, smoke, and gamble in amounts a few might consider excessive. I may not be the most positive role model for your kids, but I don't like folks getting hurt either.

The Good

Yancy Lazarus is my type of protagonist, he fights for what he considers to be right but he doesn't do it in a lawful good type of way. He uses magic, which I really enjoyed how magic worked in this book and he has a magically enhance handgun that takes no prisoners. I loved that the creatures he fought were new for me and not the same old supernatural monster you normally read about. I also love the way Hunter sets the world up in a way for more books involving more interesting creatures while still referencing familiar ones. I really like that dimension travel is an option in this series.

The Bad

I would have liked to know more about his family. He left them when he got his powers thinking it would be safer for them but all I can think about is are his powers genetic? Do any of his kids or even grand kids have his gifts? And if so, maybe he should be trying to teach them instead of just taking a powder.

The Romance

No real romance though he does mention a family he had to leave behind. Could make for a interesting prequel.


I really enjoyed Strange Magic overall. It's full of action, has plenty of new monster/demons to be introduced to and the universe it takes place in seems to have tons of potential. I love the Hub and the Bar being run by a Red Dragon. I read it in one afternoon as I couldn't put it down. Definitely recommend this one.


Also, this is not the first time someone has tried to shoot me in the head. Surprising, I know, considering my overwhelming tack and agreeable personality.

Not only was my assailant almost physically unstoppable, supernaturally resistant to the Vis, and military trained -- It was an honest-to-goodness ninja. A Ninja. In what world is that fair or okay? If you ever have to say that you've been assaulted by a supernatural, man-eating, hyena-ninja, it is a sure sign that your life has gone terribly, terribly wrong somewhere.

"Am I inconveniencing you Greg? Let me tell you about inconvenience. Inconvenient is getting a call from an old friend which results in driving halfway across the country.  Inconvenient is getting sucker-punched by a supernatural assassin, being pumped full of horse tranquilizers, Saran-wrapped to a table by an insane gang of bikers, and then fighting a friggin' demon. Oh, and inconvenient is getting shot in the ass. I got shot in the ass, Greg. Bullet.  Ass. So I am so sorry if I’m 'inconveniencing' you."

Generally though, for most things -- leprechauns, low fae, or other dark denizens -- the hub is the revolving door in and out. One big bus station. Like any bus station, you might well get rolled if you fall asleep there and it smells a little like urine.

Buy Strange Magic by James A Hunter Today at Amazon

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Cover Scramble [102]

Let's have some fun! I am going to post covers on here every Sunday that are scrambled up graphically, making it hard to tell what cover it is. I would like your guesses on what cover you think I've posted. I won't answer you until I'm posting the next one to let you know if you are right, allowing others to guess as well. Some will be hard, and others may be easy. Let me know in the comments if you'd like some more hints and I'll offer some more if no one guesses it correctly.

I'm changing up the format a little bit! I am going to be pulling covers off the Most Popular Page on Goodreads.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [48]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts.The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/ films/ J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! She is picking a topic within HP for us to focus on each week and then if anyone wants to take part feel free! All she asks is to link back to her blog :). There is now a full list of the topics to come here.

   Biggest Betrayal in the Series

The theme of betrayal is abundant in this series, and I'm glad because it's important for kids to understand that not everyone can be trusted.

I think early on in the very first book, the Dursley's treatment of Harry is a betrayal. He's their flesh and blood, and a child no less, and they treat him as if he's unwanted, unloved, and unimportant in life. It's immediately apparent that J.K. Rowling feels betrayal as bad since she gives us physical representations of the Dursleys as very unattractive people. That goes back to Disney villains being ugly, and is another discussion entirely since evil isn't generally apparent on the outside.

I understand a lot of people here will go with Snape. He has two huge betrayals surrounding him with first betraying the Potters to Voldemort by repeating that prophecy and then betraying Voldemort for years by being one of the only people he trusted when he shouldn't have.

I think there's a larger one looming.

Peter Pettigrew...known as Wormtail.

The most disgusting thing I believe I read in the books was this rat that was pretending to be something he wasn't all along and cozying up with young boys in all their private moments. Am I the only one absolutely grossed out by this guy??

Peter was not only a member of the Order of the Phoenix who were staunchly fighting against Voldemort, but he was childhood friends with these people. He turned on them instead spying for Voldemort. As secret-keeper for the Potters, he betrayed them in an unforgivable way by giving their location away to the Dark Lord so he could kill them.

It keeps going though, he hides with Order of the Phoenix family members as a RAT. A pet rat. UGH so wrong.

But wait, it gets worse. When he's found out, he is instrumental in bringing this horrible person back to life to kill tons more people. 

Which betrayal do you think is the worst in this series?

Review: Terminal Island by Walter Greatshell

The Progeny by Ashleynne Laynne
Publisher: December 4, 2012, Night Shade Books
Genre: Horror
Format: pdf
Source: Gifted by author for honest review
Goodreads Summary:

As a child, Henry Cadmus lived on Catalina Island, a scenic vacationland off the Southern California coast. But Henry's experiences were far from idyllic. Today, even though Henry has seen firsthand the horrors of war, the ghastly images that haunt his dreams are ones he associates with his childhood… and the island: a snarling pig-man holding a cleaver; a jackal-headed woman on a high balcony, dripping blood; strange occult rituals… and worse. If it was up to Henry, he would avoid the island entirely.

But Henry is returning to Catalina Island. At his wife Ruby’s insistence, Henry, Ruby, and their infant daughter are coming to Avalon, so that Henry can face his fears, exorcise his demons, and reconcile with the one he dreads most… his mother.

From Walter Greatshell, author of Xombies comes Terminal Island, a novel of cosmic horror.

Henry Cadmus grew up on the beautiful Catalina Islands.   His childhood memories are haunting and chilling.   As a young boy he and his mom Vicki escape the weird and strange happenings on the island.  Henry vowed to never step foot on the island again.  Years later and after a very strained and distant relationship with his mother, he gets an odd letter stating she has moved back to the island.  Soon all correspondence stops.  Henry brings his wife and young daughter to find out some answers to this mystery.  Once he steps foot on the island, he has strange flashbacks of earlier days.   Things become more and more strange, sinister, and twisted the closer he gets to the truth.

A Tropical Paradise……  ahhhh so relaxing

Anyone that loves horror and mystery, will find this book is very much intriguing.  It is different and probably one of the most unique stories I have ever read.  If you think your family has lots of quirks and secrets, I guarantee you it has nothing on Henry’s family.   I really enjoyed the fact that when the book started out you couldn’t really tell if it was a true horror or just a great mystery.   Since both genres are my favorite, this made Terminal Island and the plot very interesting to me.   The deeper Henry delves into his mom’s disappearance, you are never really sure what is going on.   Could it be shady people or could it be something “unnatural”?     Even though you only see Vicki in flashbacks throughout the book, you get wrapped up in trying to figure out what the heck happened to her.   The book goes back and forth from the present to Henry’s childhood.   So I was constantly trying to figure out how it all connected.  I love a book that can try to get my thoughts and creative mystery juices flowing.

Paradise Ain’t all it’s cracked up to be   

The book had me HOOKED until we got closer to the end.   Then I wasn’t really sure if the author was on acid through the last half, or if I was having a bad trip and I don’t do drugs!!!!!  I am not saying the ending was horrible, but it was very trippy.  I kinda started losing my interest because it was out there and too much.  There was this STRANGE confusing stage play that was meant to explain the background and history of the main plot twist.   All it managed to do is make my head spin from all the strangeness.  The book was so well written and plot started out beautifully strong just to have it end up where it did.  Have you ever listened to the lyrics of some Beatles songs?  (I am the Walrus -  I am talking about you)  That’s kinda the trippy direction the book took.   

Overall a nice vacation

All in all, I really enjoyed reading Terminal Island.   It was a fun twisty-turny of a story that went a totally unexpected direction.   The plot is very well put together and is done in a way that makes you try to put pieces of the puzzle together.   You can’t quite put your finger on what is going on.   Henry and his wife Ruby sometimes make questionable decisions, it is easy to root for them and want to help them figure out what is happening with all the new condo developments and disappearing people.  The end was a slight mushroom high trip, but it is all tied together very well.   Everything does make sense by the time it is all over.   My final thought:  great little horror/mystery with an unexpected twist. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Review: The Elite (The Selection #2) by Kiera Cass

Published: April 23, 2013 HarperTeen
Genre: YA, Dystopia
Format: ebook
Source: Purchased
Goodreads Summary

The Selection began with thirty-five girls.
Now with the group narrowed down to the six Elite, the competition to win Prince Maxon's heart is fiercer than ever—and America is still struggling to decide where her heart truly lies. Is it with Maxon, who could make her life a fairy tale? Or with her first love, Aspen?

America is desperate for more time. But the rest of the Elite know exactly what they want—and America's chance to choose is about to slip away.

“It turns out I'm absolutely terrible at staying away from you. It's a very serious problem.”

The Good

The Elite dives deeper into the family members of America and Maxon. America's dad I quite enjoyed in this one. Maxon's dad, not so much. Maxon's mom, however, is a gem. We also get more information into Maxon himself and the other girls that are a part of the selection.

In addition to the deeper look in the characters, we got a better view of the rebels, a little more information in how the world around America works, and the consequences that befalls stepping out of line.

America feels like she couldn't make a good princess, but in her actions she shows how much she truly cares about the people, the system, and justice. She also does care about everyone around her in the palace, and treats her maids with so much respect that it's admirable.

The Bad

Bah! This love triangle (square?) is so frustrating. America is swinging back and forth between Maxon and Aspen faster than a kitten toying with a string. I was so dizzy reading why one guy was better than the other, then, wait, NO that one's better. On top of that, due to America's fickle nature, Maxon has to give the other girls more of a chance so he's becoming quite the little charmer to the other girls in the competition. So annoying.

The Romance

Well, I guess I really summed that up in the Bad section so I'll leave it there. Suffice to say that Aspen doesn't really have any redeeming qualities for me since he broke up with America in the beginning of the first book. I'm completely behind Maxon. I also don't blame him for moving on since she can't make a decision and stick with it. Though, by the end it seems that America has at least made a choice so I look very forward to better developments in this department.


Overall, the characters are fantastic. I just love Maxon. Some of the side characters truly shine as well. The writing is well paced and smooth. I read The Elite very quickly. The action is more prevalent in this one, and much more information is provided about the world. With the way it ended, I have high hopes that the romance aspect will pick up in a better direction. Recommended.


“It turns out I'm absolutely terrible at staying away from you. It's a very serious problem.” 

“You know that you’ve found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever; and every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it.”

“It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.” 

“He must love you very much," Gavril said once I had my footing.

I couldn't look at him. "What makes you say that?" Gavril sighed. "I've known Maxon since he was a child. He's never stood up to his father like that.”  

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sunday Cover Scramble [101]

Today is my sis' birthday!! Happy birthday to the best big sister I could ask for :D

Let's have some fun! I am going to post covers on here every Sunday that are scrambled up graphically, making it hard to tell what cover it is. I would like your guesses on what cover you think I've posted. I won't answer you until I'm posting the next one to let you know if you are right, allowing others to guess as well. Some will be hard, and others may be easy. Let me know in the comments if you'd like some more hints and I'll offer some more if no one guesses it correctly.

I'm changing up the format a little bit! I am going to be pulling covers off the Most Popular Page on Goodreads.

Friday, January 2, 2015

When life's kicking your butt, how about a theme song? [13]

My friend Robyn from robgirlbooks tasked us with coming up with a theme song each month, and I love it! Music is a VERY big part of my life. This month is Rock Anthems.

Pick #2:

What is your choice this month??