Friday, May 23, 2014

Clean Sweep ARC Mini-Challenge and Giveaway - 6 Degrees of Separation

Welcome to my Clean Sweep ARC Challenge Giveaway!  Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Angie from Angela’s Anxious Life are hosting the reading challenge. If you would like to enter my challenge, you must be entered in the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge, which runs for the entire month of May! Join in on the fun and clean sweep your ARC stack. You can sign up here.

My Challenge is a game of 6 Degrees of Separation

We will link actors/actresses from movies based on books (comic book movies count!).

Even if you can't enter the giveaway, it should be a fun time!

Here's how this game works:
  • I will post a sample for you to see
  • After the sample, I will put two names - the first commenter should link those two names by listing a movie the first can be found in with another actor/actress and a movie they can be found in, until within 6 steps the two names are linked. It can take less than 6 steps!
  • After the commenter links the names, they include two more names in their comment
  • The next commenter links those
  • After they've linked those, they include two more names
  • And so on!
Here is a sample:

I'm linking James Franco to Oprah Winfrey

In the comments it would look like this:
James Franco to Oprah Winfrey
James Franco + Rachel Weitz = Oz the Great and Powerful
Rachel Weitz + Garrett Hedlund = Eragon
Garrett Hedlund + Kristen Stewart = On the Road
Kristen Stewart + Dakota Fanning = Twilight
Dakota Fanning + Oprah Winfrey = Charlotte's Web

To start off the first commenter, I'm choosing:
 Jennifer Lawrence to Gwyneth Paltrow

I know of at least 3 ways that these two can be linked
 so Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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