Sunday, September 1, 2013

Blog Tour Review: Resilient by Patricia Vanasse

Welcome to my stop on the Resilient by Patricia Vanasse Tour hosted by CBB Book Promotions.

Published: 2013 by Pants on Fire Press
Genre: YA Paranormal
Edition: Kindle
Read as part of blog tour

Goodreads Summary

Livia has never felt like she fits in. As normal as it sounds, Livia is anything but ordinary. She can feel every emotion of every single person around her, and it’s maddening. In pursuit of some psychic quiet, she moves with her family from New York City to Whidbey Island in the lush and sleepy Pacific Northwest. But when a horseback riding accident in her new home gives her a broken leg that heals in a day, she finds that another unexplainable ability has manifested, and her life isn’t about to get any easier.

Adam has no problem fitting in and making friends. In fact, he’s the top of the school, the boy everyone knows and loves. However, people only see what he allows them to. No one knows what Adam is truly capable of. After witnessing Livia’s accident, Adam sees something intriguing in her quick recovery, something that gives him hope that he’s not alone.

Adam is the only one whose emotions Livia can’t read. Afraid of not knowing what goes on behind his dark eyes, Livia decides to keep him at a distance. Yet the more she tries to ignore him, the more alluring he becomes, and while their personal quests for identity will inevitably bring them closer together, it is the confirmation of what they really are that threatens to tear them apart.

Resilient, told in alternating point of views, is a gripping story of survival and romance, in which two teenagers face the consequences of being anything but normal. 

But she doesn't empathize with him...

 I couldn't pass up signing on for this blog tour since I really enjoy reading about people with supernatural powers. It must stem from my love of all things X-Men.

The Good

I enjoyed the supernatural powers the kids had and diving into them all as they developed. The story is told in dual POVs with Livia and Adam narrating. Each of these characters have powers that they don't understand and that no one else in their families do so it bonded them together (without them even knowing it at first.)

There is the catalyst of some people being after them so an air of mystery and danger follows them through the pages. There were quite a few times that I didn't know who to trust and I love that.

There were also a few things in this book that I haven't read about often before including horses and adopted kids. The change of pace to me was nice as was learning tidbits about things I haven't read up on a lot previously.

The story-line is really great. I am looking forward to the following installment so I can see where all this leads.

The Bad

The characters have a bit of immaturity that annoyed me at times. I'm hoping that this aspect turns into character growth throughout the story-line.

Resilient was mainly learning about the characters, their powers, who to trust, and what the story really is. The ending is a major cliff-hanger and I was disappointed that more didn't happen in this story. All that went on in this book set up the next installment very well, but I feel like with the way it was written and the ending that the second one will actually be better because of it. I was lucky to get to read an epilogue and the first chapter of the next book so I really appreciated that.

The Romance

Adam and Livia make a cute couple. They fit together rather well and since I got to read each of their thoughts, I know they both truly care about each other a lot. They have a very YA love, but it's a nice little romance to read.


Overall the powers and story-line are very interesting and I want to know more about Adam and Livia and where their story goes from here. I'm definitely looking forward to the next book since there is so much going on at the end of this one. Recommended for readers of YA Paranormal that don't mind the cons that I've listed.

About Patricia Vanasse:

Patricia Vanasse was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Now she lives on Whidbey Island in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, two adorable children, and two crazy dogs. She has been trough Culinary Arts, Psychology, Law School, and now has finally found her passion in creative writing. She also loves traveling, cooking, and is an avid reader. Her strength- believes that everything is possible.

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